THORNE Betaine HCL & Pepsin – Digestive Enzymes

Indigestion: Benefits individuals with occasional indigestion* Protein Digestion: Promotes optimal stomach acidity and protein digestion* Lactose-Free: Pepsin ingredient is undiluted

THORNE Crucera-SGS – Broccoli Seed Extract for Antioxidant Support

An indirect antioxidant that provides long-lasting cell protection (targeted chemoprotection) from free radical damage for days after being consumed Activates

THORNE Daily Greens Plus – Comprehensive Greens Powder

Daily Greens Plus: A comprehensive daily greens powder for a healthy mind and body that supports foundational nutrition and promotes

THORNE Emotion Balance Support (Formerly Deproloft-HF)

Positivity: Supports a healthy outlook* Brain Chemistry: Nutrients and botanicals for brain support* Stress: A valuable addition to any stress

THORNE Men’s Multi 50+ – Daily Multivitamin

Designed with nutrients the body can easily absorb and formulated for individuals at low risk for iron deficiency, including men

THORNE Metabolic Health – Gut Health Supplement

Weight Management: Make managing your waistline easier with a science-backed formula that helps up-regulate the body’s metabolism* Effective Ingredients: Two

THORNE Methyl-Guard – Methylation Support Supplement

Methylation: Support for healthy methylation* Multiple Functions: Support for heart, blood vessel, brain, nerve, and bone health* Homocysteine: Promotes homocysteine

THORNE Methyl-Guard Plus – Active folate (5-MTHF) with Vitamins B2, B6, and B12

Healthy Methylation: Methyl-Guard Plus supports methylation and promotes a healthy level of homocysteine Active Forms: Formulated with active folate (5-MTHF)

THORNE NiaCel 400 – Nicotinamide Riboside Supplement

Cellular Defense: Protect your body against the stressors of life that can cause early aging by supporting young-like cellular metabolism*

THORNE Super EPA Pro – Omega-3 Fish Oil Oil with High Concentration EPA

High EPA Formula: Thorne’s Super EPA Pro provides a high concentration of EPA for individuals seeking omega-3 fatty acid support

THORNE Theanine – 200mg of L-Theanine

Relaxation: Promotes relaxation, focus, and memory by enhancing alpha-wave production in the brain* Stress: Supports a healthy stress response* GABA:

THORNE Whey Protein Isolate – Whey Protein Powder

Absorbable Protein: 21 grams of bioavailable whey protein isolate with flavors and sweeteners derived from natural sources Muscle Support: Helps